NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_CMD_NOT_FOUND=There was a problem printing. The printer doesn't support a printing command.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_CMD_FAILURE=There was a problem printing. An instruction that was sent to the printer failed.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_NO_PRINTER_AVAILABLE=There was a problem printing. No printer could be found.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_NAME_NOT_FOUND=There was a problem printing. The printer could not be found.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_ACCESS_DENIED=There was a problem printing. Access to the printer was denied.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE=There was a problem printing. Tried to set an invalid printer attribute.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_PRINTER_NOT_READY=There was a problem printing. The printer not ready.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_OUT_OF_PAPER=There was a problem printing. The printer is out of paper.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_PRINTER_IO_ERROR=There was a problem printing. Printer I/O error.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE=There was a problem printing. The output file could not be opened.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_FILE_IO_ERROR=There was an error writing the printing output file.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_PRINTPREVIEW=There must be at least one printer available to show Print Preview.
NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED=There was an unexpected problem when printing.
NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY=There was a problem printing. There is not enough free memory to print.
NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=Some printing functionality is not implemented yet.
NS_ERROR_ABORT=The print job was aborted, or canceled.
NS_ERROR_FAILURE=An unknown error occurred while printing.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTDOC=Printing failed when starting the document.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_ENDDOC=Printing failed when completing the document.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTPAGE=Printing failed when starting the page.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_ENDPAGE=Printing failed when completing the page.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_PRINT_WHILE_PREVIEW=You cannot print while in print preview.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_PAPER_SIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED=There was a problem printing because the paper size you specified is not supported by your printer.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_ORIENTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED=There was a problem printing because the page orientation you specified is not supported by your printer.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_COLORSPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED=There was a problem printing because the print job requires color capabilities that your printer does not support.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_TOO_MANY_COPIES=There was a problem printing because you requested too many copies.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_ERROR=There was a problem printing. The printer driver is not properly configured.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_XPRINT_BROKEN_XPRT=A broken version of the X print server (Xprt) has been detected. Note that printing using this Xprt server may not work properly. Please contact the server vendor for a fixed version.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY_PP=The browser cannot print preview right now.\nPlease try again when the page has finished loading.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_WAS_DESTORYED=The page was replaced while you were trying to print.\nPlease try again.
NS_ERROR_GFX_NO_PRINTDIALOG_IN_TOOLKIT=Either pluggable dialogs were not properly installed\nOr this GFX Toolkit no longer supports native Print Dialogs
NS_ERROR_GFX_NO_PRINTROMPTSERVICE=The Printing Prompt Service is missing.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_NO_XUL=We are unable to Print or Print Preview this page.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_XPRINT_NO_XPRINT_SERVERS_FOUND=There was a problem printing. No Xprint server(s) could be found.\nCheck whether the XPSERVERLIST environment variable contains any valid Xprint servers.\nFor further information see http://xprint.mozdev.org/ or http://www.mozilla.org/projects/xprint/
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_PLEX_NOT_SUPPORTED=There was a problem printing because the plex mode you specified is not supported by your printer.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY=The browser cannot print the document while it is being loaded.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTING_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=Printing is not implemented.
NS_ERROR_GFX_COULD_NOT_LOAD_PRINT_MODULE=The requested print module cannot be loaded.
NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_RESOLUTION_NOT_SUPPORTED=There was a problem printing because the resolution/quality mode you specified is not supported by your printer.